Love & Truth Network exists to come alongside Christian communities with empathy and compassion while providing supportive and guiding structures for long-term restoration and growth toward transformation.

Our goal is to train you, your teams, and your community to be effective facilitators of God’s powerful and healing love.

We help Christians become more aware of their own hidden needs, as well as the needs all around them. Love & Truth Network equips Christian groups to offer love and a journey of transformation to Christians (the majority of us) experiencing relational and sexual brokenness. We come alongside pastors, leadership teams and educators to develop specific and relevant healing solutions for themselves and those they serve.

Through long-term partnership and pastoral support, we will help your community identify and let go of dysfunctional or unproductive ways of being (relating). After assessing the needs and strengths of your particular environment, we will work with you to develop your plan for becoming a supportive and transformational healing community. This may include:

  • Structural changes
  • Accountability systems
  • Confidentiality/basic respect/honoring one another agreements
  • Clarification of values
  • Evaluation of stubbornness vs. willingness
  • Relevant teaching
  • Highlighting testimonials/personal stories/congregant involvement
  • Inner-healing models
  • Repentance and humility

As we seek the Lord together, a new culture of safety, transparency, love and transformation can emerge.

Whether you’re a Christian leader in need of personal support or your desire is to help the sexually and relationally hurting people in your community, we can offer you hope and help.