Hollie Marie has been writing Christian devotionals for 10 years, and finally turned her writings into a publication, “31 Rays of Hope.”
Tate Publishing released the Sandy Springs resident’s book Feb. 21, and Marie said she has sold about 70 copies since then, having hosted book signings in Cartersville, Blue Ridge and Brookhaven.
The 29-year-old works as an RFP coordinator at an educational technology company by day.
“I tried to be published about six years ago, but it didn’t work out, and I thought it just wasn’t meant to be,” she said.
Marie started writing devotionals for friends and posting them on the Internet as a teenager.
“There’s no set rhyme to the book. That’s just because I’m not the same every day. Some of it’s very light-hearted,” she said.
Marie hopes the book will be an encouragement to people in their faith.
“I hope people are encouraged in their walk with God,” she said. “If anyone reads it who isn’t of a similar faith, I hope they come to a relationship with God.”
Marie hopes the book will be more accessible since it is non-denominational.
“I think Christian’s a bad word these days,” she said. “It’s really not about a building [a church]. It’s about an individual relationship with Jesus.”
She said she believes denominations are just opinions.
“I started reading the Bible on my own when I was 18, and some of the times, what we are taught is not written in the Bible at all.”
Marie does not belong to a specific church, but hosts missions every Sunday in the square of Little Five Points, where there is breakfast, a sermon and then lunch.
She said she did not write the book to be preachy,
“I wrote it to help people and myself, so I could equate scripture to real life circumstances,” she said.
Prince of Peace. The Morning Star. The Son of God. Emmanuel. I am. Lord. Alpha and Omega. These are just a handful of names that our Savior, Jesus Christ, is called through the Holy Word. He is of the utmost importance to everyone, everywhere; whether they chose to accept it or not, He is everything. Spend a month with Hollie Marie as she walks you through these modern, easy-to-read, daily devotionals, such as Better than Cupcakes, Shoe String Sanity, and Fruit Salad Trumps Fruit Cake. With topics like being faithful, thankful, and loving, Thirty-One Rays of Hope is an inspiring read on how to be a better Christian, person, and Jesus freak, even if imperfect. While using real-life examples, biblical text, and personal experiences, Hollie has created a down-to-Earth book that will not only get you more familiar with and comfortable opening your Bible, but showing that living as God desires is one of the most rewarding things in life.