
The annual “Food Roundup” has successfully united churches, businesses, and other friends to collect much needed food, supplies and gift cards for Baptist Children’s Homes’ boys and girls. When you are feeding cottages that can have as many as 12 to 16 residents, it takes a lot of food to fill hungry bellies.

BCH serves as many as 700,000 meals and snacks throughout the year! Consider that BCH operates care locations in 20 North Carolina communities and you can imagine how much it costs to feed so many. The Food Roundup makes it all possible!

Food pick up from collection points (list of locations is in the “Downloads” section below) begins Monday, April 24. The final day of pickup is Friday, May 6. You will need to find out the last day your collection point will accept food deliveries prior to the April 24 starting date.

Downloadable resources, including needs list, collection guide, statewide collection points list, video, ads and flyers, are available below.

For more information about how you, your church or organization can be a part of Food Roundup, contact Alan Williams at 1-800-476-3669 ext. 1277 or email him at awilliams@bchfamily.org.