Convention of Sates

The Convention of States (COS) Project was founded by Citizens for Self-Governance for the purpose of stopping the runaway power of the federal government. We believe Washington, D.C., is broken and will not fix itself. The federal government is spending this country into the ground, seizing power from the states and taking liberty from the people.

We have a solution as big as the problem.


The Problem

The federal government has overreached its constitutionally-established boundaries and has its hands in almost every area of our lives. Our children and grandchildren will inherit a bankrupt nation run by an unaccountable bureaucracy.

The Solution

Article V allows us to call a Convention of States to restrict the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, effectively returning the citizens’ rightful power over the ruling elite.


The Strategy

Together, state legislators and citizens can recover the checks and balances on federal power to protect our liberty from the abuses in Washington DC.