Where Truth & Love Link to Reach the World
There are many ways a Christian can defend and share “The Faith” with a lost world, and the methods are limited only by one’s imagination. Link2Eternity is devoted to a medium that usually goes unnoticed—the local newspaper. It is a foregone conclusion that if you want to reach people, you must go where they can be found.
The local paper has been a source of information for many years now and almost every community across the U.S. has its own. It is a medium through which the average citizen remains informed about local and world events as well as a popular venue for public discussion and debate.
That is what makes the local paper such a good place to defend and declare the Judeo-Christian worldview and the Gospel. It is the perfect venue through which to do exactly what the Apostle Paul did at Mars Hill. There, he reasoned and debated with them concerning the things of Christ.
By doing this, the ministry implements a method that goes beyond the typical devotional work found in many opinion or religion sections. It extends the hand of history, reason and, at times, humor to expose erroneous worldviews and ideas while lifting Christ and a biblical worldview to its rightful place in the modern world. Through our t-shirts, hats and books, we are looking to spread the word even further so pick up yours from our online store today!

Love Still Wins: Loving God, Eternal Hell, And An Answer To Rob Bell (By Tony Watts)
Is the God of traditional Christianity a cosmic Jekyll and Hyde, switching from a “loving heavenly father
” to a “cruel, mean” and “vicious tormentor” in the “blink of an eye?”, and is the traditional Gospel actually “toxic,” as Rob Bell tells us it is? In Love Still Wins, author Tony Watts responds to such allegations, and does so by confronting the popular writer’s attempt to “repaint” the Christian faith at i
ts most foundational level, a “repainting” that, as we shall see, translates into a heretical theology stuffed into the skin of traditional theological lingo.
Tony critiques Bell’s basic worldview, including his self defeating view of religious knowledge, his theologically crippling mistrust of human language as an adequate means of communicating absolute truth about God, and the skepticism to which both logically lead. Love Still Wins scrutinizes Bell’s basic theology and reveals the fact that his view of hell is the logical result of other erroneous views on other foundational theological ideas. In other words, Bell’s faulty view of hell is shaped by his faulty views of God, sin, the atonement, and ultimately, salvation, and more oft than not, pitting himself against the Apostle Paul on those same issues.
Finally, Tony argues that an eternal hell does not impugn God’s love and that no disconnect between the God of love and the endless suffering of the unrepentant required by a holy God
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