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The Pooks, Boots and Jesus book series is based on real adorable cats named Pooks and Boots!

This book series is based upon the sure foundation of scripture. Each book begins with a scriptural reference from the Bible which explains what the story will be based upon.

The first book in the series is, Pooks and Boots Meet Jesus. In this adventurous story, your child can learn about Jesus in a fun and exciting way.  They will see how Pooks and Boots survived the wilderness and eventually find a warm home where they meet Jesus! The story is based on the bible verse Matthew 25:34-40. The story uses this verse to teach children when they help those in need, they are helping Jesus. Children will also learn during this adventurous story that Jesus is much stronger and better than any superhero they know and He is real and can live inside them! The story has an amazing ending and impactful message that all will love! Pooks and Boots now spend each day helping children and animals in need.

The book series is inspired by the bible verse, Luke 18:15-17, “Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.”

The company was developed to teach the word of God in the Pooks, Boots and Jesus books, and provide a platform to give to children and animals in need with the Pooks, Boots and Jesus Paw It Forward Program.  This is their way of “pawing” it forward.

Pooks and Boots in wilderness

Pooks and Boots alone in the wilderness before they meet Jesus.

Pooks and Boots as superheroes with Jesus

Pooks and Boots after they know who they are in Jesus!