About Chaps



The former Navy Chaplain who dared to pray “in Jesus’ name.”

Gordon James Klingenschmitt (aka “Dr. Chaps”) is the national TV show host of PIJN NEWS on the NRB network, former State Representative in the Colorado legislature, occasional affiliate faculty at Colorado Christian University, Air Force Academy graduate in Political Science, and the former Navy Chaplain who made national headlines by daring to pray “in Jesus’ name.”   An ordained Pentecostal minister, he earned his PhD in Theology from Regent University and is ranked among “the top 1% most endorsed in United States for Preaching” by Linkedin in 2013.

Dr. Chaps is TV news anchor of PIJN NEWS, a daily 1/2 hour show that reports the news, discerns the spirits, and prays the scriptures, in Jesus’ name.

Read full Klingenschmitt Curriculum Vitae and Resume here

SUMMARY: Gordon James Klingenschmitt (aka “Dr. Chaps”), earned his PhD in Theology at Regent University, who also holds Doctor of Divinity, MBA, M.Div, and B.S. Political Science degrees. A graduate of the Air Force Academy, he is now a motivational speaker, and former U.S. Navy Chaplain who made national headlines and was vindicated by Congress after he took a stand for the rights of military chaplains to pray publicly “in Jesus’ name.”  By sacrificing his own ~16-year officer career and a million dollar pension, by demanding his own court martial for the “crime” of worshiping in public, he inspired 300,000 petitioners, 85% of polled voters, 35 pro-family groups, and 75 Congressmen who mobilized to overturn the national military “non-sectarian prayer” policy, restoring the rights of military chaplains of all faiths to pray publicly, in uniform, according to the dictates of their conscience, even if they pray “in Jesus’ name.”  His national petition organization, The Pray In Jesus Name Project, has delivered 5 million fax petitions to Congress supporting pro-life, pro-marriage, and pro-freedom causes, and overturned government bans in 12 states restoring your right to pray “in Jesus name” in public settings.