Sozo’s Story is one of true, God guided, divine greatness. To God be all the glory, honor, and praise. It would have never happened by solely the work of human hands. Starting years ago, God interweaved pieces of thread into individual’s lives to one day form the entire cloth. He is continuing to sow us together and bring each calling into one divine masterpiece. Each person on the Sozo team has different callings, with different gifts, and different passions, and each add a piece to the entire picture.The first physical vision of Sozo began in Kampala, Uganda. Jay Clark and Allen Nunnally were obedient in God’s call to become full time missionaries in this area, not going with any agenda or plan to start an orphanage. After arriving in Uganda, God’s timing was miraculous. They began bringing food to a poorly managed orphanage outside of the city. They realized the children they quickly grew close to were not eating but every two to three days. Many had signs of physical abuse and malnutrition. They drank impure water and were plagued with malaria with no way to seek medical attention. God moved and spoke the same voice to many of those involved in the beginning. That was when the visions God had placed on this team’s heart became a reality. In only weeks, a house was found, completely furnished, staff was hired, and children were welcomed into a new home. On May 13th, 2010 seventeen children were moved from the previous orphanage into the new Sozo Children’s Home.

Back in Birmingham, Alabama, God was moving in many hearts simultaneously. Suzanne Owens, who has a passion for children and missions, began to see God form together the vision he had put on her heart of caring for the fatherless in multiple nations. The wheels began turning to form Sozo Children into a non-profit organization that could support this newly founded children’s home. Sozo Children dreams to build childrens home’s across the globe. We look to God to guide our every step and decision today, and in the future.
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