What if a group of people existed who were blood relatives of the people Jesus healed?

What if those people possessed special powers as a result of a DNA change that occurred as a result of the healing?

What if those people survived the many attempts to wipe them out through the centuries, possessing many of the historical artifacts that would prove that God and the Christian faith was real and relevant?

What if this group were poised to release all of these archeological and written proofs of  God and Jesus, exposing  the world to all that they had saved and protected down through the centuries?

Come with us as we travel the world with Lindey Batchelor, and witness the results when the world hears the message of God evidenced in artifacts like the Ark of the Covenant, the Cross Nails, the lost book of Josephus, the journals of Pilate, and Constantine, as well as many more historical evidences kept down through the centuries.  Experience the brave men and women who attempt to offer these archaeological and historical truths to the world, opposed by those who work to wipe out the SOTH and their message. Experience the history, mystery, intrigue, and spiritual battles as ordinary people overcome extraordinary odds to bring the truth to the world.

The SOTH Series is an action-packed combination of fiction, history, truth, and mystery, following the lives of the people affected by Jesus’ healing touch. This group call the SOTH (Sect Of The Healed) plans to release every major historic  artifact and written relic  which are relevant to the proof of Jesus’ claims while he was on earth. The Cleansing Group has plans to wipe the SOTH out before they can release the archeological finds to the world. Come with Lindey Batchelor as he is pulled into the hunt, travelling to historical places across the world to meet the SOTH, finding his own healing along the way.

Message- This is my first book for public consumption. I felt led by God to write this as I hope it will bring seekers to the Lord, and challenge believers to a closer relationship with God. The book literally flowed out of me, as the characters developed right in front of me. I don’t know how people will take the book, but it is my prayer it will challenge the way we view God, and enable people to experience the powerful and personal relationship they can have with Jesus. Thanks for taking a look! You Tube commercial-