Children's Sermons with Humor:  By the Hilarious Miss Polly

Of all the challenges parents and educators face in teaching children the gospel, perhaps the most difficult is getting them to stay still and listen. So educators and Bible teachers everywhere turn to various devices to get their messages across – even humor.


But is this approach right? Does the use of humor really serve its purpose – to connect young people with God?


The answer, according to longtime Sunday School teacher Mary Phillips, is yes.


Phillips is the creator of the fictional Amelia Bedelia-like Miss Polly, whose humorous stories in her new book Children’s Sermons with Humor keep young people engaged and in tune with Jesus Christ, according to the author.


“I created Miss Polly because children today love to entertained,” says Phillips. “When God’s message is conveyed in a comical manner, they sit still, they listen – and they learn.”




Mary loves to spread her message of pairing humor with the timeless messages of the Gospels, and is fascinating to speak with about the merits of her approach.


With the different distractions of the modern world, will your child still be able to grasp the importance of the Gospel?

Impart to the young ones the valuable lessons of the Bible—while having fun yourself! Learn and laugh as Mary Phillips shares a charming anthology that provides a humorous and witty approach in learning more about God