The Rooftop is a global movement that is giving Christians a new passion and desire to Join Jesus in His Mission. To see lost people as Jesus sees them and then, with Christ-like compassion, to tell them the good news and make disciples of people who are beyond the walls of the church.

The Rooftop GLOBAL ENCOUNTER will be taking place across the world on 10th October 2020 and you can be a part of it.

In cities, towns and villages all over the world, Christians will be gathering on Rooftops/Hilltops and other high places and asking Jesus to help them to see their community as He sees it and then JOIN JESUS IN HIS MISSION.

Gatherings may be small groups of Christians, a whole church, a group of churches in a town, or a city-wide encounter consisting of many churches.

Please click on the video link to see a brief introduction to The Rooftop GLOBAL ENCOUNTER