Where will you be in 100 years?
The challenge to us is this: Take your present age and add 100 years to your life. And then ask the question, ‘What really matters?’ The only thing that will matter is what was done to impact eternity.
— K.P. Yohannan, Founder
Provide a Critter Campaign item for a full year. It will help not just one family, but whole communities to multiply these tangible gifts!

Suggested donation: $11 per pair
Your gift towards chickens can help supplement a family’s income and often helps them get on their feet financially. Hungry families can eat or sell the nutritious eggs, or they can hatch chicks to increase their flock and later have more eggs and chicks to sell.
Be a part of the “Chicken Challenge” and donate a pair of chickens each month for a full year! Through this challenge, you are helping 12 different families to grow their income.

Suggested donation: $140 for a pair
Your gift towards goats can rapidly improve a family’s financial situation. In the case of one family, one pair of goats multiplied and enabled them to start a goat farm, resulting in more than 75 goats to milk or sell. The father built a house for his family and sent his children to school, offering them a better future than he did growing up.
“I just love how animals can help sustain a family with food and income. What a blessing it is to serve in this way.”—Hope, a donor from Tennessee
Can you imagine having a new goat farm every month? Join GFA World in a monthly partnership to provide goats throughout the year.

Suggested donation: $65 per pair
These portly critters provide financial independence to many needy families. Piglets fetch a good price at market, which enables families to meet their needs. Adult pigs can provide ample substance for sales or consumption.
“As I was very poor before, I used to worry a lot. … But now, since I have [these piglets, all the worries and everything has been taken away. … After getting these piglets, I really have seen the works of prayer and what faith can really do. My faith is growing day by day.”—Missael, a father of three who can now feed and clothe his family
Be part of providing financial independence by purchasing a pair of pigs every month.

Water Buffalo
Suggested donation: $460
Water buffalo are powerful animals often used to plow fields. They produce milk for drinking or selling, and their dung can be used as fuel for cooking. Your gift towards a water buffalo could greatly improve a family’s financial situation!
Donate any amount towards a water buffalo throughout the year to help those in need.

Junior Barnyard Bundle
Suggested donation: $157
Bundling up two pairs of chickens, a pair of pigs and a lamb is an easy—and super cute—way to share the grace of God with several families in need. – Package Includes: 4 Chickens: $22, 2 Pigs: $65, 1 Goat: $70
Give a monthly bundle and bring God’s grace to those in need throughout the year.

Mosquito Net
Suggested donation: $10
Malaria is transmitted through the bite of an infected mosquito. Mosquito nets save lives and offer a restful night’s sleep, free from the sting of disease-laden mosquitoes.
Protect families through donating to mosquito nets each month for a full year. The impact can be the difference between life and death.

BioSand Water Filter
Suggested donation: $30
Many people in the areas we serve do not have clean water and as a result battle waterborne illnesses—or even succumb to death. Made with simple materials, BioSand water filters remove 98 percent of biological impurities, providing safe water for drinking and cooking for a family and often for neighbors too! The clean water will improve health and hygiene and will give peace of mind—all of which are expressions of Christ’s care.
“Now, no more struggle! Having a BioSand water filter was beyond our imagination.”—Erina, mother of three from Asia
What if, every time you paid your water bill, you also provided clean water for a family in Africa or Asia? Partner with GFA World each month to bring cleansing water to those in need.

Jesus Well
Suggested donation: $30 to $1,400
Jesus Wells provide fresh water year-round, protecting communities from waterborne illnesses and sparing women and children from spending hours fetching water. Obtaining clean water is also vital for practicing safe hygiene and for supporting healthy immune systems, both of which prevent the spread of diseases. Pastors serving near Jesus Wells are able to share about the Living Water mentioned on the well’s plaque. Providing safe water—either by drilling a new well or maintaining existing wells—is a practical way to show communities how much God and His children care for all people! $30 can help a family of 6 people, $300 can help 10 families, and $1,400 can help an entire village.
“I believe that God will do a miracle, that through this Jesus Well many people will come and glorify His name.”—Jaevin, a GFA pastor whose community received a Jesus Well.
The gift of clean water is both practical and helps to transform communities. Through a monthly gift, you can help provide a full well throughout a year. Give a monthly gift of whatever amount, and help transform communities through clean water.

Outdoor Toilet
Suggested donation: $540
Approximately 2.4 million deaths could be prevented annually if people had appropriate hygiene practices, including reliable sanitation. Nearly 20 percent of the world’s population is forced to go to the bathroom out in the open. For only $540, you will help reduce the risk of common diseases by providing a family with an outdoor toilet. The external structure will vary, however each unit includes a dual-tank system for optimized sanitation.
“Now, since I have this toilet built in my house, I don’t have to worry. My family and I don’t have to go to the tea garden for toilet, and it is very safe here. I am very … grateful to all those who donated the money, who thought about us and gave us all the facilities. Of course, my words are not enough to say thank you because you have expressed your love so much.”—Iniyavan, a laborer in Asia
For only $540, you will help reduce the risk of common diseases by providing a family with an outdoor toilet. Giving monthly or annually is the most powerful way to donate.

Sewing Machine
Suggested donation: $100
Many impoverished women lack education and this limits their job opportunities. If a woman has lost her husband, or if he doesn’t earn enough, she may be powerless to provide for herself and her children. A sewing machine can allow her to start a productive business and meet her family’s needs.
For $35 a month, you can provide a sewing machine each quarter of the year. To sew a little deeper, partner with GFA World for $100 per month to triple your impact!

Holy Scriptures
Suggested donation: $100
Many Christians we serve are first-generation believers who grew up knowing nothing of God’s ways but are now hungry for His Word. You can help meet their need for God’s word, by providing Scriptures in their language.
Think of a Scripture passage that brought you comfort and peace in a dark time of your life. For $100 a month, you can help bring comfort and peace to not only individuals, but their family, neighbors, and even whole communities.

Winter Clothing Packet
Suggested donation: $50
Harsh winters force many people indoors, hindering both villagers and missionaries from leaving their homes. By providing winter clothing packets, GFA protects them from the freezing cold. Depending on the region, a winter clothing packet may include: a Blanket, Jacket, Sweater, or other warm items.
“These days, cold is increasing rapidly. I received warm clothes at the right time. … I am sure [the clothes] will keep my body warm. I am thankful … for the love that is shown to me.”—Sister Paisli, a national missionary
Help provide warmth throughout the year by partnering for $50 a month or any amount towards Winter Clothing Packets.

Where Most Needed
Suggested donation:
Through donations to GFA’s Where Most Needed fund, we are able to tell more people about the opportunities to transform communities through Christ’s love. By donating, you are also doing your part in fulfilling the Great Commission.
With any amount per month, you are joining with GFA World as we tell more people about the opportunities to transform communities.
In memory of K.P. Yohannan (1950-2024)
In recent months, K.P. Yohannan was deeply passionate about a few key projects in the ministry like the international hospital and medical college established in Rwanda, printing and distributing 1 billion gospel tracts and thousands of new missionaries sent out to those who are waiting to hear the name of Jesus.
Be a part of seeing his dreams become reality and to bring God’s hope and life to many precious souls.

Gospel Literature
Suggested donation: $1 for 200 pieces of literature
For many people in remote areas, a piece of Gospel literature is the first step in their journey of knowing Jesus. Oftentimes, Gospel literature will be read aloud to others who are illiterate or passed on to someone else who will read it and pass it on to yet another person.
One dollar provides 200 gospel tracts. If as many as 10 people are reached by one tract, imagine how many souls can be reached by providing $100 a month to Gospel Literature.

Rwanda Medical Missions
Suggested donation: $100
GFA World has an unprecedented opportunity to bring God’s truth and healing to the people of Africa. A critical piece of this opportunity is building a hospital and medical college on the property in Rwanda that God has provided us. Not only will the hospital be one of just two prominent hospitals in Rwanda, it will also enable us to impact millions of people in multiple countries across the continent.
Your monthly partnership can greatly enhance the success of this project. By donating once a month, you will provide the hospital with necessary tools to provide life-saving care. This will enable us to launch medical missions across Africa while saving lives in Rwanda. Join us in this mission to bring healing and hope to Rwanda and beyond, ensuring that countless people in Africa hear the message of Salvation while providing a brighter future for individuals and families in need. Your gift today will resonate through eternity!

Sponsor a Missionary for a Year in Asia
Suggested donation: $360
Today, national missionaries are bringing words of life and hope to people in places where Christs’ love has never been shared. National missionaries understand the communities they serve and relate with them culturally. They live sacrificially so others can find the grace and new life Jesus offers and fill an integral role in distributing Christmas gifts. They also provide immediate aid to communities experiencing a crisis, such as during the coronavirus pandemic. Finally, they freely offer prayer and counsel to gift recipients and everyone in their communities. By giving toward GFA World’s National Missionary Program, you’ll equip men and women to serve full time by covering their living and ministry expenses—resulting in lives transformed for eternity.
“It’s my prayer and desire that the Lord will bring so many people to Him in this area. … [I want to] help them grow in the Lord, [so] they will take up the responsibilities of the church in the days to come. That’s my prayer and my desire.”—Pastor Marty, a GFA worker serving in one of Asia’s slums.
Give a gift of $360 for a year-long sponsorship or partner on a monthly basis for $30 to help our brothers and sisters show God’s love in tangible ways.
Donation Summary
Our Stewardship Commitment
GFA World is dedicated to the most effective and efficient stewardship of resources, according to 1 Corinthians 3:12-14. Contributions to GFA are income tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law. All gift options represent GFA’s actual ministry efforts to meet the diverse needs of individuals and communities. GFA World seeks to use contributions raised for a particular ministry in furtherance of that charitable objective, but retains control and discretion over all donated funds to further its overall charitable objectives.
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