Post Tagged with: "Clean Jokes"
Devotional Humor & Inspiring Stories For December 5, 2019
I, I, I I am not as good as I should be. I am not as good as I could be. But thank God I’m better than I used to […]
Devotional Humor and Inspiring Stories For Thanksgiving 2019
Turkey Quickies A first grade class was asked to write a paragraph called “What I’m thankful for on Thanksgiving.” Little Johnny’s began, “I am thankful that I’m not a turkey.” […]
Devotional Humor & Inspiring Stories for November 14, 2019
Baaad Asumption One Sunday a minister preached about shepherds. He explained that sheep need lots of guidance, and that a shepherd’s job is to stay close to the sheep, protect […]
Devotional Humor & Inspiring Stories for October 31, 2019
Halloween costumes is mask production Why do girl ghosts go on diets? So they can keep their ghoulish figures. Whom did the ghost invite to his party? Anyone he could […]